🎙️Is veganism a moral obligation?by Ariel PontesApril 25, 2023June 25, 2023A dialogue with Jamie Woodhouse
On body shamingby Ariel PontesJuly 29, 2022July 31, 2022Why we shouldn’t impose our preferences on others
Secular superstitionsby Ariel PontesFebruary 16, 2022February 19, 2022Why unfalsifiable narratives are harmful
Is it permissible to eat meat?by Ariel PontesNovember 10, 2021November 13, 2021A pragmatic approach to moral permissibility
Who decides what’s transphobic?by Ariel PontesApril 24, 2021April 26, 2021How free speech and open dialogue can help minorities
Ten values we can all live byby Ariel PontesApril 11, 2021November 7, 2021How insights from different moral philosophies can help us find common ground