Ghostless Machine
Overcoming polarization with philosophy

I’m Ariel Pontes and I think political polarization is one of the biggest problems of our time. That’s why I started a series of dialogues where I have friendly disagreements over controversial topics with a variety of guests. These conversations are guided by three core principles: scout mindset, non-violent communication, and radical honesty. When I’m not discussing with guests, I write about philosophy, science, rationality, and sociopolitical issues. I have a bachelor’s in computer engineering, a master’s in analytic philosophy, and I am a co-founder at Humanists Brazil and Effective Altruism Romania, where I do community building. Read more →
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No rent for Gypsies, Arabs or blacks in Bucharest
They are dirty and violent and the landlord doesn’t want any trouble
Faith and superstition are not harmless
Critics of faith and superstition are often accused of intolerance and radicalism. But should we really be tolerant of everything? Are faith and superstition really harmless as some like to…
Can minorities be racist?
On one end of the spectrum, PC leftists say there’s no such thing as reverse racism because minorities can’t be racist. At all. Ever. On the other extreme, alt-righters say racism…
Is religion compatible with LGBT+ rights?
In the age of social media, it’s easy to get stuck in an echo chamber and never get out of your comfort zone. This is a big problem because it…
Why I’m not a theist
As far into my childhood as I can remember, I believed in a god. It was a personal god, who answered to prayers, cared for mankind, etc. As I grew…
The burkini ban and the dangers of political polarization
As everybody knows, last month France started enforcing an extremely controversial ban against the so called “burkini”. The ban was eventually overturned, but the debate is still very much alive.…
Six facts free speech fundamentalists love to ignore
Freedom. An apparently simple concept that you’d think people understand pretty well, after all it’s a fundamental human right. But no. It’s probably the concept people abuse and misuse the…
7 Fallacies That Undermine Antifeminism
As a feminist I am often confronted, especially online, by self-declared antifeminists who passionately denounce the ideology resorting to all manner of creative accusations. But is there any basis for so vehemently attacking feminism? With…
Why Django Girls?
In February and March this year Django Girls will be organizing free Django workshops for women in cities all over the world. As a Python/Django developer and feminist myself, I naturally…